
Showing posts from July, 2017

Week 6: Topic 2

What do think when President Trump labels particular news stories (e.g. Russia election meddling) or news companies (e.g. CNN, New York Times) “fake news”? Do you agree with the president? Why or why not? Give some examples to support your point of view. As I stated in my last post I don't pay a whole lot of attention to news in the "outside" world. That being said I have seen some of this and do agree with the President. Part of the reason I don't pay a whole lot of attention to news from outside my community is because I don't really trust it. I can't "touch" it and know for a fact that it is real. There have been too many times when things have been reported and then had to be retracted or swept under the rug that I find it very hard to believe everything I read, hear, or see on TV or from bigger news reporters. However after watching the video How Free is Our Freedom of Press?  I find myself questioning why President Trump is continui...

Week 6: Topic 1

Where do you get your local news? Newspapers? Friends? Facebook? Word of mouth? Explain, citing your sources of news. How important is local news to your daily life? How do you know the news you are using is accurate and credible? Most of my local news now comes from Facebook. During the school year I do read our local newspaper each week but usually anything that is "exciting" has already made it's way onto Facebook and by the time the weekly paper is printed I just read it for facts. Because I live in a small town and actually know the people who report and own our local newspaper I rely on it to give me the facts. Facebook usually has parts of the story but doesn't always have all the facts so if it is something that I want to check I go to the  New Era  and read the facts there a few days later.  I live in a smaller town so the local news is important to me as I know a lot of the people who make up our community and we are a pretty tight knit community who ...

Week 7: Topic 2 (I didn't realize this wasn't due till week 7)

What do you think of actions by WikiLeaks? Good? Bad? Useful? Irresponsible? I think alot of what is put on WikiLeaks is irresponsible. I think that there are certain government secrets for a reason and what they are doing is putting people, countries, in jeopardy. EXPLAIN why you feel that way. I feel this way because of the harm that this sight does for our military. It releases things that could put our military in jeopardy. It isn't fair for them to play God and release information that puts people at risk. They aren't the "chosen" police. I guess on the same side however is that the people who buy into it are also at fault for continuing to spread it around. I guess I'm old school in that if something is "classified" it is classified for a good reason. It isn't for the public to view.  Give an EXAMPLE to support your point of view.

Week 5: Topic 1

After seeing the documentary "RiP! A Remix Manifesto," what did you find most interesting/surprising/alarming in the video as it relates to the First Amendment or freedom of expression? Please cite an EXAMPLE or two from the documentary, AND relate it to your own experience. Wow! Where to even begin? As a librarian everything about this video had me cringing. There are so many violations that you can't even count them, but the more I watched the more I thought, wait a minute this guy is really proving a point that needs to be heard. In our day and age it is much easier to access the original pieces of "art" and "remix" or update them into new. Is there a way to stop this? I don't think there is at this point and I really think that it is helping the original to stay up and in the eye of the public by allowing this to continue. I guess I had never really thought about "remixing" as an art but in reality it kinda is. We have all done...

Media Blog Project Post 2

Today's post is about the difference between print magazine and online magazine.  The magazine I have chosen to explore it Shooting Times which is part of the Guns & Ammo series of magazines. Cover from a 2016 edition As an avid gun owner and shooter this is a magazine I commonly enjoy. It reports on different calibers, sights, accessories for gun owners. The majority of the stories are often comparing different types of guns, rifles, and handguns both. They usually give an opinion on which caliber is better for each manufacture of a certain type of gun. For instance the current issue contains an article titled Creedmoors Compared.  This article talks about the differences between the 6.5mm vs. the 6mm Creedmoor long-range precision rifle. Most of the ads in this magazine are for different brands of firearms, optics, ammo, holsters, and tools that have to do with hunting and/or shooting. Some brands are Winchester, Kimber, Benelli, SCCY Firearms, and Bushnell. ...

Media Blog Project Post 1

Don't Get Mad... Get E*Trade In this ad campaign we follow a young man who daydreams about bigger and better things in his life. It shows him learning to use E*Trade rather than getting mad for everything from a kid kicking his seat in regular class on an airplane to a painting of an upper class man riding a bear.  They use very little to no dialog in these commercials and the main character is an unknown. As far as I can tell this campaign has only been going since June of this year. I first saw it on TV during a cooking show and did some investigation to find out that it is a whole series of commercials.  I was able to find them on  E*Trade YouTube Channel . In the commercials that I watched they use "plain-folks" who want to be more affluent and live a wealthy life and this can be done by using E*Trade. This series of commercials tell a story of a hard working young man who wants more out of life and is brushed aside by the rich and affluent so he finds a way to ...

Week 3: Topic 2

Since I had chosen Jolly Ranchers in my last post I thought I would look at one of their commercials and see what I thought. I choose the ad that would appeal to all college students, finals.  While this is a funny commercial and I think that it is targeted to high school and college age students I still can't get behind their hash tag of #KeepOnSucking however, that is a personal view and I think that some people would think it was cute. I also think that it fits well for the average 13-25 year old and since I am a college student at 40+ I can't say that it doesn't do well for that age range. This being said I would think of this ad as using irritation advertising to get the hash tag stuck in my head. They say it at the end of every one of their commercials that I watched.  The second ad I chose is one of my all time favorites, I'm sure you will recognize it. This commercial originally aired in 1979, for it's time it was definitely a famous-perso...

Week 3: Topic 1

Using Facebook, Twitter or another social media platform (e.g. Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, YouTube), do a search for a particular brand, product, service or cause and DESCRIBE IN DETAIL how the company or organization is using social media. Cite Examples. Second, evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign. Who is the TARGET AUDIENCE (be specific)? Is it working? Tell why or why not. If you were the Product/Brand Manager, what else would you recommend to promote this product, service or cause? Using the above questions here is what I did: I did a search on Twitter for Jolly Ranchers because I was sitting here eating some of them and thought that would be as good as any product to search. When I did the search on Twitter the first thing that came up was JOLLY RANCHER for me to follow. In the description of the Twitter handle were the Snapchat handle: JollyRancher and the hash tag #KeepOnSucking. When I click to their "page" I see lots of cute tweets that...

Week 2: Topic 2

The chapters we read this week were about social media and gaming. We live in a world where these things are a huge part of our lives. This isn't necessarily a good thing. In the following video link Sherry Turkle does a Ted Talk that is very enlightening. Ted Talk worth watching Sherry Turkle talks about us becoming more "connected" than ever before, and yet we may be setting ourselves up to become more isolated. Share your thoughts on Turkle's talk, including a few EXAMPLES. Have you, your family and others "reclaimed" areas of home, work or play for conversations -- or declared those spaces device-free zones? Have you taken steps to ensure that you are really listening to others? When this video started I thought “oh here we go again, someone telling us how bad technology is.” Then as it progress I found myself agreeing with her more and more. We have become a society of disconnected humans.  I find myself wanted to text rather than talk ...

Week 2: Topic 1

   This weeks topic is about our experiences with social media and setting up a Twitter account.  I already have a Twitter account that I set up years ago when I went to my first technology conference in Portland for my work.  That was back in the day that I finally had to ask someone what the heck a "tweet" was. :)   List 3 people/organizations you follow and WHY. (While I'm flattered that you might follow your instructor, list some other folks ... rp) I follow 166 people or organizations on Twitter.  I have everything from people I know in real life, people I have met at tech conferences I have attended over the years, educational technology groups, to FoxNews and TripCheck. I follow the technology people and groups because I am the media assistant at my school and try to keep up on what is going on in technology so that I can help keep my staff up to date on the latest and greatest.  I follow FoxNews because it is my main source of news an...