
Showing posts from June, 2017

Week 1: Topic 2

The three main sources of my information or news today would be: Facebook, Twitter, and Fox News.  I often watch Fox News in the morning while getting ready for work.  I usually only catch a little bit of it but then I also have their app on my phone and have them on my twitter feed.  I get the "breaking news" on my notifications on my phone and smart watch.  As for world news Fox is my go to place. It may be cliche but as a Republican I have always trusted Fox news more than the other stations.  However, this is probably because they agree with my views more than other stations.  I see stuff on Facebook but I hardly ever take it as the gospel unless I can find it on a news station somewhere or can investigate it to some degree.  I try very hard to not assume that things I see on social media of any kind is true without further investigation.  I think this is because of my years of teaching my library students to make sure the sources they ar...

Week 1: Topic 1

My name is Michelle and I work at a rural elementary school for the Sweet Home School District.  I am a media assistant but wear many hats throughout the normal day.  I am the librarian first, technology go-to, back up secretary, and because of my somewhat flexible schedule I deal with a lot of the day to day discipline issues. I started my college career when my son was in grade school.  He is now in college himself so this has been a long drawn out career.  :) I had started taking classes for my job but then decided I would go ahead and get my associates degree.  Then life happened.  Now that my son is on his own and I no longer have all my free time taken up by being his number one fan at sporting events I decided it was time to try to get that associates degree.  It is a long process as I am not willing to give up my day job so that means taking classes and working a 40 hour a week job.  Linn Benton has been my college of choice as my husba...